Who are we?

Old Card Traders, a.k.a. OCT, is a Sports Card TRADING group that was created on 5/22/99 by Len Medeiros as a refreshing alternative to  those groups out there who like to try to restrict what their members collect. Old Card Traders is primarily a TRADING group where reciprocation is Mandatory.                               

 What can I collect if I join Old Card Traders?

Although the name Old Card Traders suggests otherwise, we do not discriminate against any kind of sportscards you collect whether they are New or Old. 

Are there a lot of rules associated with OCT?

We don't have many but unfortunately we have to have some. We expect all our Members to use common courtesy when trading and to reciprocate when sent cards by other Members.  All Members are expected to be active and contribute to the Group. OCT uses a Trading Point System in which one point is awarded when a member is thanked for a trade. Thank you notes are  sent via our email server at Google Groups. We only ask that you  play fair and adhere to our rules.

** You must earn a minimum of 3 Trader Points each 3 month period to retain membership.

** Starting on 11/24/03, those who have earned 1000 Career Trader Points will only be required to earn 1 Trader Point each 3 month period to retain membership instead of the traditional 3 Trader Points

** All existing Members must have an operational Web

                  What are the requirements for joining?

                  To join, you MUST be at least 18 years old and must have completed at least ONE trade with a
                  minimum of TWO
of our current Members.

                  All members are required to sign up for our mail server (oldcardtraders@googlegroups) 
in order
                  to send/receive group email. This elininates the need to maintain a lenghty address book.

                  Are there any membership fees?
                  There are no Membership fees associated with Old Card Traders. 


                  If your still interested in joining us at Old Card Traders please click here to email me.

                *Disclaimer: Old Card Traders or its founder are not responsible for any trades made by its
                  members and reserves the right to remove anyone from its membership due to behavior deemed
                  discourteous or detrimental to the group. It also reserves the right to refuse membership to anyone.

                * Webpages linked to or from Old Card Traders must not contain profanity, pornography,
                  discriminatory items against race, color, creed or sexual preferences. Any such infractions will
                  constitute immediate dismissal from Old Card Traders.

                *Old Card Traders also reserves the right to remove anyone who does not earn 3 Trader Points during
                  any 3 month Trading Period (basically 1 Trade a Month) or does not have their own operational Web Page.
                  Last Updated: 03/25/19   



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